beka santrock

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The Grace of Autumn

The sun peaks from behind the clouds, creating shadows of the yellow leaves dancing freely in the wind. As you sit in stillness and sip your coffee, you find yourself thinking about the Grace behind it all.

Grace in each falling leaf that floats gently to the ground who welcomes it gladly.

Grace in the sound of birds bidding each other farewell before flying south for the winter.

Grace in the way hot coffee meets your lips and spills down your throat, warming you from the inside out.

Grace in each breath that creation takes.

You consider the invitation that has been extended to you, the invitation to learn the unforced rhythms of Grace. You remember how Grace has consistently reached her soft hand out to you, inviting you to walk with her so she can show you how to take a real rest.

And it becomes real to you know.

This Grace.

As you realize this Grace has been abounding all around you for all this time.

As you realize it is through this Grace that you can live freely and lightly.

As you realize it is through this Grace that you can find truth and recover your life.

Your weary eyes refocus on the leaves dancing in the sunlight before they fall Gracefully to the earth below. And you, too, surrender to the precious gravity of Grace, falling beneath her pull as she leads you into something new and beautiful.

And it becomes real to you now.

This Grace.

The Grace of autumn.